
Radiology for Students and Professionals


Good morning! It's Thursday March 27, 2025 at 1:38 AM

Fluoroscopy Principles

What is Fluoroscopy? - Fluoroscopy is a live action form of diagnostic radiology that enables the radiologist, with the aid of a contrast agent, to visualize the organ or organ system being studied. The contrast agent is needed to enhance the soft tissue which doesn't show under normal x-ray use. During fluorsocopy the image is viewed on a television monitor or screen by the radiologist. The contrast agents (or "contrast media" as they are also known) used are administered through injection, ingestion, or an enema.

Fluoroscopy Principles - Fluoroscopy is a technique for obtaining "live" X-ray images of a living patient. The Radiologist uses a switch to control an X-Ray beam that is transmitted through the patient. The X-rays then strike a fluorescent plate that is coupled to an "image intensifier" that is (in turn) coupled to a television camera. The Radiologist can then watch the images "live" on a TV monitor. Learn more at this very informative site by The Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Bethesda, Maryland.

Fluoroscopy Basics - Great slide show presentation about fluoroscopy equipment and techniques.

Radiation Injuries and Fluoroscopy - An increasing number of invasive procedures, primarily therapeutic in nature and involving use of devices under fluoroscopic guidance, are becoming accepted medical practice. These procedures are performed by a variety of medical specialists and may provide significant advantages over alternative therapies in terms of improved clinical outcome and reduced overall patient risk. However, physicians performing these procedures should be aware of the potential for serious radiation-induced skin injury caused by long periods of fluoroscopy occurring with some of these procedures.

Landauer "The Film Badge People" - The home page for Landauer, the company who is responsible for most of the radiation monitoring in medical imaging. Good information on radiation safety as well as a great section on dosimeter report explainations.

Radiation Dose Concepts and Reduction Methods - Our friends at GE Medical System provide many educational materials online and this is one of the better ones on radiation dose and ways to reduce it.

The Radiation Information Network - This site contains information about Radiation and the professions of Radiation Protection.

Flouroscopic exams include the following types of tests:

Galactogram - (evaluation of breast glandular ducts)
Upper Gastrointestinal (G.I.) Series - (evaluation of esophagus and stomach)
Small Bowl Series - (evaluation of the small intestine)
Barium Enema - (evaluation of the large intestine)
Gall Bladder Series - (oral cholesystogram - evaluate presence of gall stones)
Hystersalpingogram - (evaluation of the fallopian tubes)
Intravenous Pyelography - (evaluations of the kidneys, ureter, and bladder)
Arthrogram - (evaluation of major joints - shoulder, elbow, knee, hip, wrist, ankle)
Venogram - (evaluation of veins in lower extremities)
Sailogram - (evaluation of the parotid gland for blockages)

How To Say Radiology School

[French - Radiologie écoles] [German - Radiologie Schulen] [Italian - Radiologia scuole]
[Spanish - Radiología escuelas] [Dutch - Radiologie scholen]

[Mammography Schools] [MRI Schools] [Nuclear Medicine Schools] [Ultrasound Schools]

[Radiologic Technology]