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RN Schools - Finding a career in RN requires first going to RN school and they have one thing in common: they are difficult to complete! Imagine the amount of RN information you must learn to earn the RN degree from that top RN school, it will become your life. Luckily there are many online nursing resources that will help you digest and understand the information taught by those nurses turned instructors. The problem is that this information can be hard to find because of the enormous amount of RN web sites available. That's why we make RN schools easier by pulling together the best RN student resources into a convenient location. Here you will find original content as well as excellent links to other sites that will help you on your way to becoming a registered nurse.

Online RN Schools - no matter what RN degree you are looking for, search the web for online RN schools (lpn to rn, rn to bsn, bsn to msn) and expand your RN career.

State RN License

Getting through RN school is just the start, now it's time to pass the test. Check out the RN boards page for a comprehensive listing of state RN boards with contact and web information - State RN Boards Page

RN Abbreviations

We have a small list of abbreviations on our site but this link will take you to NurseWords.com where you will find a nice list of RN abbreviations, RN acronyms and RN terminology - RN Abbreviations and Acronyms

RN Forums

Exchange RN information on the RNstudents.com RN forums. Many categories are available on a range of topics such as: RN schools, RN jobs, RN specialties, travel RN and RN issues. The RN forums have everything you need to help you complete RN school or learn how to become a nurse - RN Forums

How Much Does a Nurse Make?

The average nurse salary is roughly $60,000 dollars; although, the specialty of the nurse, the shift worked and the area of the country where the nurse lives all have influence on the RN salaries reported.

If you are able to find a niche specialty that is in high demand, the amount of money a nurse makes is considerable. Don't forget the other benefits like: health care coverage, prescription drug coverage, pension and investment opportunities, nice vacation time and more.

RN Jobs

Registered nurses (RNs) work to promote health, prevent disease, and help patients cope with illness. They are advocates and health educators for patients, families, and communities. When providing direct patient care, they observe, assess, and record symptoms, reactions, and progress in patients; assist physicians during surgeries, treatments, and examinations; administer medications; and assist in convalescence and rehabilitation. RNs also develop and manage RN care plans, instruct patients and their families in proper care, and help individuals and groups take steps to improve or maintain their health. While State laws govern the tasks that RNs may perform, it is usually the work setting that determines their daily job duties. - RN Jobs

NCLEX Secrets and Links

The NCLEX-RN or NCLEX-PN can be hard to pass but with the right help you can gain an advantage and help prepare for the NCLEX. Getting through nursing school is just the start, now it's time to pass the test. - NCLEX SECRETS

RN Programs

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RN Uniforms

Need help finding the best RN shoes or hottest scrubs? The links on our RN uniform page can help. - RN Scrubs

RN Books

RN books are numerous and sometimes help in finding the best ones is appreciated. Check out these links to RN books and RN textbooks. - RN Books