Radiographic Positioning: Radiographic Positioning of the TMJ-Joints
Townes (Occipital)
Laws (Bilateral) with open and closed mouth
Townes (Occipital)
1. 8 x 10 crosswise
2. Patient supine
3. Position O.M.L. perpendicular to table
4. Central ray angled 30o caudal enters at glabella
5. Bucky
6. 40" SID
Laws (Bilateral)
1. 8 x 10 crosswise
2. Patient prone with head in true lateral, then rotate face toward table 15o with side of interest closest to film. Interpupillary line is perpendicular to table.
3. Bucky
4. 40" SID
5. Central Ray exits downside T.M.J. (1 cm anterior to EAM)
6. Need bilateral with open and closed mouth
7. Mark film open or closed