Radiographic Positioning: Radiographic Positioning of the Shoulder Arthrogram
SUPPLIES: See Arthrogram supplies on page 7.
SCOUT VIEWS: AP External and Internal Rotation, Axillary
AP (External)
1. 10 x 12 film
2. Patient supine
3. Have patient turn palm of affected arm up.
4. Bucky
5. 40" SID
6. Central Ray: 1" inferior to coracoid process.
AP (Internal)
Position same as above except palm is facing downward.
Axillary View
1. 10 x 12 film
2. Patient sitting at end of table with cassette under arm-pit.
3. Central Ray: joint space
4. Place x-ray tube so that it is perpendicular to the film.
5. 40" SID and tabletop exposure.
After injection, repeat all of the views explained previously and marked pre-exercise. After checking pre-exercise films with Radiologist, repeat the same series of films after exercising the arm. mark these films post exercise. Show films to Radiologist before dismissing patient.