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Radiographic Positioning: Radiographic Positioning of the Scapula


"Y" view
True AP

"Y" View
1. 10 x 12 lengthwise
2. Patient supine or upright
3. Palpate the borders of the scapula and rotate the patient until the scapula is in true lateral position.
4. Bucky
5. 40" SID
6. Central Ray: direct to midvertebral border of scapula, film placed 2 inches above shoulder, raise affeted arm out of the field of view.
7. Used to demonstrate dislocation
8. Expiration

True AP
1. 10 x 12 crosswise
2. Patient supine or upright
3. Rotate body approximately 15o toward side of interest, posterior aspect of arm and shoulder should be in contact with table.
4. Bucky
5. 40" SID
6. Expiration

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X-ray Positioning Guide