Trade and Common Names of Chemicals
Common name | Chemical name | Formula |
Alcohol, wood | methanol, methyl alcohol | CH3OH |
Alcohol, grain | Ethanol or ethyl alcohol | C2H5OH |
Alcohol, rubbing | 2-propanol, propyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol | . |
Alcohol | Ethyl alcohol | . |
Alka Seltzer | Sodium bicarbonate | . |
Alum | Potassium aluminum sulfate dodecahydrate | . |
Alumina | Aluminum oxide | Al2O3 |
Alundum | Fused alumina | . |
Antifreeze | Ethylene glycol | . |
Antipersperant | Aluminum chlorohydrate | . |
Aqua regia | 1:3 mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids | HNO3+HCl |
Aspirin | Acetyl salicylic acid | . |
Baking soda | Sodium hydrogen carbonate | NaHCO3 |
Baking powder | Sodium bicarbonate | . |
Banana oil | Amyl acetate | . |
Baryta | Barium oxide | . |
Barytes | Barium sulfate | . |
Battery acid | Sulfuric acid | . |
Bauxite | Hydrated aluminum oxide | . |
Benzol | Benzene | . |
Bleach (laundry) | Sodium hypochlorite | NaClO |
Bleaching powder | Calcium chloride hypochlorite | . |
Blue vitrol | Copper (II) sulfate | CuSO4*5H2O |
Bluestone | Copper II sulfate pentahydrate | CuSO3*5H2O |
Boracic acid | Boric acid | . |
Borax | Sodium tetraborate decahydrate | Na2B4O7*10H2O |
Brass | Alloy of copper and zinc | . |
Brimstone | Sulfur | S |
Bronze | Alloy of copper and tin | . |
Calamine | Zinc carbonate | . |
Calcite | Calcium carbonate | . |
Calgon | Calcium hexametaphosphate | . |
Calomel | Mercurous chloride | . |
Carbolic acid | Phenol | . |
Carbon tetrachloride | Tetrachloromethane | CCl4 |
Carborundum | Silicon carbide | . |
Caustic soda | Sodium hydroxide | . |
Chalk | Calcium carbonate | . |
Chile saltpeter | Sodium nitrate | . |
Chloroform | Trichloromethane | CHCl3 |
Chlorox | Hypochlorus acid | . |
Chrome yellow | Lead chromate | . |
Cinnabar | Mercury II sulfide | HgS |
Club soda | Carbonic acid | . |
Copperas | Hydrated ferrous sulfate | . |
Corrosive sublimate | Mercuric chloride | . |
Cream of tartar | Potassium hydrogen tartrate | KHC4H4O6 |
DDT | Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane | . |
Dextrose | Glucose | . |
Diamond | Carbon | C |
Dolomite | Calcium magnesium carbonate | CaCO3*MgCO3 |
Drano | Sodium hydroxide | . |
Easy-off oven cleaner | Sodium hydroxide | . |
Egg shells | Calcium carbonate | . |
Epsom salts | Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate | MgSO4*7H2O |
Ether | Ethyl ether | . |
Ex-lax | Phenolphthalein | . |
Fertilizer component | Ammonium nitrate | . |
Flurostan | Stannous fluoride | . |
Fool's gold | Iron Pyrites | . |
Formalin | 40% solution of formaldehyde | . |
Freon (refrigerant) | Dichlorodifluoromethane | CCl2F2 |
Galena | Zinc sulfide | . |
Galena | Lead II sulfide | PbS |
Glauber's salt | Hydrated sodium sulfate | . |
Glycerine | Glycerol | . |
Grain alcohol | Ethanol or ethyl alcohol | C2H5OH |
Graphite | Carbon | C |
Green vitriol | Hydrated ferrous sulfate | . |
Gypsum | Calcium sulfate dihydrate | CaSO4*2H2O |
Heavy water | Deuterium oxide | . |
Hypo | Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate | Na2S2O3*5H2O |
Ice bite | Calcium chloride | . |
Invert sugar | Mixture of glucose and fructose | . |
Laughing gas | Dinitrogen oxide | N2O |
Levulose | Fructose | . |
Lime | Calcium oxide | CaO |
Limestone | Calcium carbonate | CaCO3 |
Liquid paper | Titanium dioxide | . |
Lite salt | Potassium chloride | . |
Litharge | Lead monoxide | . |
Lithopone | Mixture of zinc sulfide and barium sulfate | . |
Liver of sulfur | Potassium sulfide | . |
LOX | Liquid oxygen | . |
Lunar caustic | Silver nitrate | . |
Lye | Sodium hydroxide | NaOH |
Magnesia | Magnesium oxide | . |
Marble | Calcium carbonate | CaCO3 |
Margarine | Partially saturated fatty acid | . |
Marsh gas | Methane | . |
MEK | Methyl ethyl ketone | CH3COC2H5 |
Microcosmic salt | Hydrated sodium ammonium hydrogen phosphate | . |
Milk sugar | Lactose | . |
Milk of magnesia | Magnesium hydroxide | Mg(OH)2 |
Milk of lime | Calcium hydroxide | . |
Mohr's salt | Hydrated ferrous ammonium sulfate | . |
Moth balls | Naphthalene | . |
Msg | Sodium hydrogen glutamate | . |
Muriatic acid | Hydrochloric acid | HCl |
Nutrasweet | Aspartame | . |
Oil of bitter almonds | Benzaldehyde | . |
Oil of vitriol | Sulfuric acid (conc.) | H2SO4 |
Oil of mirbane | Nitrobenzene | . |
Oil of vitriol | Concentrated sulfuric acid | . |
Oil of winter green | Methyl salicylate | . |
Oleum | Fuming sulfuric acid | . |
Paris green | Double salt of copper acetate and copper arsenite | . |
Perier | Carbonic acid | . |
Pewter | Alloy of tin, antimony, copper, and lead | . |
Phosgene | Carbonyl chloride | . |
Photographic hypo | Sodium thiosoulfate | . |
Picric acid | Trinitrophenol | . |
Plaster | Calcium hydroxide | . |
Plaster of Paris | Calcium sulfate hemihydrate | CaSO4*(1/2)H2O |
Potash | Potassium carbonate | K2CO3 |
Prussian blue | Ferric ferrocyanide | . |
Pyrite (fool's gold) | Iron disulfide | FeS2 |
Quartz | Silicon dioxide | SiO2 |
Quicklime | Calcium oxide | . |
Quicksilver | Mercury | Hg |
Rochelle salt | Potassium sodium tartrate | . |
Rolaids | Dihydroxyaluminum sodium carbonate | . |
Rouge | Ferric oxide | . |
Rubbing alcohol | 2-propanol, propyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol | . |
Sal ammoniac | Ammonium chloride | NH4Cl |
Sal soda | Hydrated sodium carbonate | . |
Sal ammoniac | Ammonium chloride | . |
Salt, table | Sodium chloride | NaCl |
Salt, lite | Potassium chloride | . |
Saltpeter | Potassium nitrate | KNO3 |
Sand | Silicon dioxide | SiO2 |
Sani-flush | Sodium bisulfate | . |
Saran wrap | Poly-1,1-dichloroethylene | . |
Silica | Silicon dioxide | . |
Slaked lime | Calcium hydroxide | Ca(OH)2 |
Smelling salts | Ammonium carbonate | . |
Soda ash (washing soda) | Sodium carbonate | . |
Solder | Alloy of tin and antimony | . |
Sugar | Sucrose | . |
Sugar, table | Sucrose | C12H22O11 |
Sugar of lead | Hydrated lead acetate | . |
Sun-tan lotion | Para-aminobenzoic acid | . |
Teflon | A polymer of tetrafluoroethylene | . |
TNT | Trinitrotoluene | . |
Toluol | Toluene | . |
TSP | (Tri) Sodium Phosphate | Na3PO4 |
Tums | Calcium carbonate | . |
Turnbull's blue | Ferrous ferricyanide | . |
Tylenol | Acetominophen | . |
Vinegar | Acetic acid, ethanoic acid | . |
Vitamin C | Ascorbic acid | . |
Washing soda | Sodium carbonate decahydrate | NaCO3*10H2O |
Washing soda | Hydrated sodium carbonate | . |
Water softener | Barium hydroxide | . |
White lead | Basic lead carbonate | . |
Windex | Ammonia | . |
Wood alcohol | Methyl alcohol, methanol | CH3OH |
Zinc blend | Zinc sulfide | . |
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