Atlas of Echocardiography - Wonderful site by Yale University on echocardiography. Very visual site with anatomy and echo images displayed together. The addition of videos and 3D models complete the great experience.
American Society of Echocardiography - As an echocardiographer you are invited to play a role in the future of Echocardiography. Become a Fellow of the American Society of Echocardiography .
Heart Site: Echocardiogram - Explains what ultrasound is, what doppler is, the information it provides, how long it takes, safety, and how quick the results are obtained and what they mean.
An Electronic Journal of Cardiac Ultrasound - Welcome to the home page of the Echocardiography Laboratory of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.
eTeleCardiologyT - A free service that lets you send full motion cardiac studies, privately and securely, to anyone, anywhere via the Internet. Just download ViewStar PCT, ComView's free viewing software, to transform your home, office, or laptop computer into a powerful, full-featured cardiac review station.
Electrocardiogram - Explains what an EKG or ECG is, why it is done and what preparation is needed.
Heart Info: Patient Guide - Provides listings of useful information and advice related to cardiac disorders, tests, surgical procedures and associated signs and symptoms.
12-lead ECG Library - A collection of electrocardiograms for all those interested in learning about the ECG / EKG
Cardiology Channel - Description of cardiac catheterization is, who should have it and possible risks.
Tests to Diagnose Coronary Disease - Stress EKG, echocardiography, CT scan, MRI scan and PET scan are discussed.
UMDNJ: Echocardiography - Medical articles and ultrasound images intended for use by doctors and health care professionals.
University of Iowa Health Care - Introduction cardiac catheterization, before the procedure, hospitalization, laboratory setting, the procedure, after the procedure, other tests and a glossary.
Check out the echocardiography society or the echocardiography association sections for a comprehensive listing of state and national agencies and groups. These can provide help with finding a career in radiology. They can also provide radiology education advice and school suggestions. If you are already a echocardiography technologist or other medical imaging worker, these bodies provide a place for radiology professionals to interact with others in the career field. Some also offer radiology journals and are great sources of radiology and echocardiography CME and CEU opportunities. We believe that supporting the radiology profession by becoming a member in professional group helps improve not only you as an individual but the profession as a whole. For this reason we strongly recommend that you join your state and national society or association.
The Echocardiography Student Zone - Find all the best radiology school resources at the student zone. Here we link to web sites, notes and tutorials that help you with a variety of medical imaging topics. Think of it as a radiology portal for imaging students.
Be sure to check out the community located at where you will find discussions covering all medical imaging modalities.
SPAM FREE - Join the list to get the latest echocardiography news from around the globe. It's easy to do and quick, Just go to and sign up with your e-mail account.
Want to see some cool videos? Jump on over to and watch patient exam explanation videos, patient positioning videos and other random radiology videos.
Echocardiography Schools
Looking for echocardiography schools or maybe you're a radiologic technologist looking to expand your education with a bachelors degree in radiology? Either way, we can help. has partnered with some of the top schools in the country to provide you with access to free college program information. Click the link below to find the radiology program and the school you like and fill out out the no obligation forms. That's it, the information that will help you find the right school is on it's way. What could be easier? Also, it's free, choose three or four and compare.
Echocardiography School Directory - Free medical imaging program information listed by state and city. Radiology schools are competitive to get into and since there's no limit to the number of applications you can fill out - the more you apply for the better your chances of getting into one.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that there is a difference between a limited scope radiology technician and a certified radiologic technologist. The employment and earning potential vary by location and in some areas a limited scope license is not valid at all. For more information on the topic visit The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists . Also, be sure that you find out what type of radiology program the school you choose is offering before you decide on a radiology school. As a general rule, if the radiology degree is not at least a two year degree it would be considered a limited scope program. Enjoy your search for a career in radiology!
Radiology Technician or Radiology Techniologist or even Radiology Tech? The names are becoming synonomous, but the appropriate term is Radiologic Technologist.
Echocardiography Job Openings
Free Anonymous Resume Posting Whether you're actively or passively seeking work, your online resume is your ticket to great radiology job offers! | View Echocardiography Resume Database Check out our radiology resumes! We have access to some of the best professionals in the field. |
View Echocardiography Job Listings Access the newest radiology jobs available to professionals seeking employment or just viewing the market. | Post Echocardiography Jobs On The Board Reach the most qualified candidates by posting your radiology job opening on our online Career Center. |
Echocardiography License Information
We have links, phone numbers and addresses to the state licensing agengies listed to help you better find the requirements of your state - take your pick:

Echocardiography Continuing Education
Echocardiography CEU Sources and Providers - Click for a listing of radiology and radiography CEU, CME and continuing education providers. We are working on the radiology cme section and welcome those interested in advertising with us - contact us for information webmaster @
FREE radiology continuing education credits can be found in a variety of places now, but one of the best is the new Online Digital Imaging Academy from the ARRT and ASRT - ODIA Information Link
Remember ARRT Category A continuing education credits are due every two years.
[Cat Scan Continuing Education] [Ultrasound Continuing Education] [MRI Continuing Education] [Radiography Continuing Education] [Nuclear Medicine Continuing Education] [Radiation Therapy Continuing Education]
PACS and Digital Echocardiography
FREE PACS and Digital Radiology Software - Check the growing list of software that will help with your radiology practice or let you learn how digital radiology works.
Forums for discussing PACS and digital radiology issues, free to join - Digital Radiology Forums
Used PACS and Digital Radiology Equipment - Why buy new when you can get used pacs and other digital radiology equipment at a fraction of the cost.
Echocardiography Articles and Echocardiography News
Visit to catch up on the news concerning radiology and medical imaging. Daily updates from the latest radiology blogs and radiology news sources are combined in an easy to manage tool. Free and easy to use, check it out today - Daily Echocardiography News
Nursing School Help
How do you find the latest information on nursing schools? Where do you turn for help or advice on which nursing school to attend? Click the links and visit our partner sites about nursing, that's how.
Echocardiography Link Exchange
Add a link? Submit an url? Suggest a site? However you say it, visit our echocardiography and medical link exchange to post your radiology web site so others can find you. Everyone benefits when radiology information is easily available to all radiology students, radiologic technologists and other medical imaging professionals. We've found many wonderfully informative diagnostic radiology sites and also stumbled upon fellow rad techs with radiology blogs or radiology related sites. Let's hope ours link directory will help you find some too.
RSNA Dates
RSNA 2010 : November 28 - December 3, 2010 96th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois
RSNA 2011 : November 27 - December 2, 2011 97th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois
How To Say Radiology School
[French - Radiologie écoles] [German - Radiologie Schulen] [Italian - Radiologia scuole]
[Spanish - Radiología escuelas] [Dutch - Radiologie scholen]
[Mammography Schools] [MRI Schools] [Nuclear Medicine Schools] [Ultrasound Schools]
[radiology schools] [radiography schools] [radiography jobs] [financial aid] [radiology uniforms]
[Echocardiography Schools]
Search for Radiology Schools - get a radiology degree online or on campus
Ultrasound Schools - click for a listing of ultrasound schools
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