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4D ultrasound packages starting at $99! We offer a warm family friendly theater style environment for you to enjoy your 4D ultrasound experience. We have 3 viewing screens in the room, including our large projection main screen. Our Image & Gender Guarantee - We understand babies do not always cooperate, so if your little one decides to hide his or her precious little face or will not let us see gender (if so desired) we let you come back to try again free of charge. All of our ultrasound technicians have been through a rigorous training specifically designed for 3D/4D Ultrasound and have years of 4D imaging experience. They are very caring and attentive to your needs and will take the time to explain everything to you and your family. First Expressions is proud to offer LIVE streaming of your 4D ultrasound anywhere in the world! Now your friends and family all over the world can see what you see at the same time!
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